
Jay opens a supply depot in Midway City to service milkmen and catering trucks; he amasses a fleet of 37 catering trucks of his own.



Eleanor begins cooking for private parties and quits her nursing job to work full time for the newly-incorporated Mastroianni Family Enterprises.



Jay 's的派对在威斯敏斯特的Bolsa和Magnolia街开张.



杰伊造了一个5,000 square foot facility in Huntington Beach in order to provide 食物 for three large school districts and Mercury Savings’ lunch program.






Jay’s wins bid for nine 食物 concessions at Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.



网赌的十大网站公司搬到网赌的十大网站现在的三万六千平米. ft. Garden Grove的位置



女儿琳达被任命为杰伊的首席执行官. 儿子约翰和迈克尔开了一洞高尔夫餐饮公司.



Jay’s opens Ellie’s Table, a 面包店 and café, minutes from the beach in San Clemente.












The 玫瑰中心 in Westminster opens as a classic wedding and event venue along with 机库21 South, 南加州最独特的场所之一.



Jay's在洛杉矶开设了他们的第一家独家婚礼和活动场地, 印版, 在伯班克的中心.



最新的Jay's餐饮豪华婚礼场地和活动空间, 希梅诺大, opens in orange along with the opening of serra plaza in san juan capistrano.

阿曼德·杰伊·马斯楚安尼对食物的热爱, 家庭和乐趣导致了餐饮企业的创建, 简称Jay 's Catering. “杰伊”在成年早期从事各种职业, 但直到1968年, 45岁的时候, that he hit upon an idea that would change his life and that of his family forever. 他起初是送奶工, went on to open a supply depot for delivery trucks all the while amassing a fleet of 37 catering trucks of his own, 在众多的海滩上可以找到哪些, 快速发展的奥兰治县的商业和建筑工地. 四年后, he built a 食物 distribution center to service catering trucks as well as his clients, including several Huntington Beach school districts and Mercury Savings and Loan. All of these ventures led to the formation of a social catering company that would ultimately become one of Orange County’s premier caterers.

杰伊不是一个人做的,而是请家人帮忙做的. 在他的传记中, 餐饮沙皇, 他说, “My wife Eleanor was the chief cook; I was the creative director/salesman; Linda was the manager; Michael was an expert at serving as the lead on parties, 约翰在装饰方面找到了自己最初的定位.“一家五口, 加上配偶和子女, have spent the last 50 years carrying on the vision Jay established long ago. 他想提供新鲜的东西, good-tasting 食物 like that his wife cooked at reasonable prices to as many people as possible. 今天, hardly an Orange County bride plans her wedding without a stop at Jay’s Catering to sample its 食物 and to learn of all the services available. 餐具, 床单, 椅子, 所有类型的租赁和活动设计都提供内部, 又是杰伊的原创想法.

Jay 's Catering最早的菜单, 由埃莉诺设计和准备,  包括意大利特色菜,如千层面, 肉丸, 还有香肠和辣椒, 除了现在著名的“冷餐”,由手工制作的火鸡组成, 火腿, 烤牛肉, 鸡蛋或金枪鱼沙拉棕榈三明治, 配土豆沙拉食用, 安布罗西亚和一个调味盘.

这是一笔改变游戏规则的交易, Jay entered into a contract with Mercury Savings and Loan to provide the cold buffet as an Executive Lunch for potential clients. 而水星则沉浸在其广受欢迎的午餐节目中, 网赌的十大网站公司得益于内置的推荐系统. 从那以后,电话就一直响个不停. 今天, trained chefs create one-of-a-kind dishes inspired by cuisines from around the world. 甜点和糕点, 就像两家“艾莉的餐桌”餐厅提供的那样, 有哪些是南加州卖得最好的.

杰和埃莉诺的女儿, 琳达等问题, not only followed in their footsteps but also worked alongside them from the time she was a teenager. 在上学前, 她帮助母亲准备准备分娩的食物, 放学后, 她在办公室工作, learning everything about the catering business-- from 食物 preparations and delivery processes to employee relations and marketing techniques. In 1994, 40岁的时候, she was officially named Chief Executive Officer and drew upon her years of experience plus an innate, keen business sense to catapult Jay’s Catering to the top of the list of Best Caterers in Orange County several years running. 琳达称赞她爸爸给她上了宝贵的一课, “如果你不知道如何做某事, 找一个懂的人.“因此, 她周围有一群能干的人, 包括厨师, 设计师, 蛋糕装饰师, 会计、服务和交付人员. 在她的指导下, a competent staff works together to provide Jay’s Catering customers with the best catering experience possible.

杰伊于2013年去世,但他的愿景和梦想仍在他的家人心中. As Linda’s children grew up, the age of computers in business flourished as well. 阿曼德·杰伊·巴拉甘,也就是A.J., brought his “technological know-how” to the business and now serves as Chief Operations Officer. This third generation family member handles Jay’s Catering imagery and branding, 建立新的场地,并监督艾莉的桌子部门, 他在创作中发挥了重要作用. Ellie’s Table North Beach (formerly located in San Clemente) and Ellie’s Table Egan House (currently located in San Juan Capistrano), 面包店 & cafés, were designed as a tribute to co-founder Eleanor and the 食物 she loved to serve. 

A.J., a visionary like his grandfather, works tirelessly on the company's continued expansion efforts. 2015年,A.J. enlisted his wife, Sarah Rose, to help him with his newest project: The 第二大屋. The duo pulled inspiration from the venue's history and Georgian Colonial structure to renovate and revamp the space. When The 第二大屋 opened, it was one of the most sought-after venues in Orange County. 在遗产的第一年, it was voted Best New Venue by The Association of Bridal Consultants and continues to bring home awards for its charm and beauty. 在2018年, 威斯敏斯特玫瑰中心, 作为传统加入了网赌的十大网站家族, 宴会厅式的婚礼场地, 公司活动, 和庆祝活动. 到2018年底,A.J. joined forces with the team over at 机库21 to reimagine their helicopter hangar and transform it into a versatile venue. 施工完成后, 南21号机库开放,提供现代化服务, industrial design and something special you can only experience at this venue - a private helicopter flight on your wedding day. 机库21 South was voted Best New Venue in 2019 by California Wedding Day and remains one of Orange County's most unique wedding venues and event spaces. In 2019, 因为他想在奥兰治县以外扩张, 印版 Los Angeles在伯班克开了漂亮的滑动玻璃门, CA. 在杰餐饮团队的帮助下,A.J. conceptualized this mid-century modern venue that has housed events for iconic companies like Disney and more. 有4个场馆投入运营,A.J. 目前正在处理他最大的项目. Located in Old Towne Orange and set to open in November 2021 for luxury weddings and events, 格兰吉梅诺是30,000 square foot indoor and outdoor space that will feature Jay's Catering's Asado Menu while showcasing stunning Spanish Colonial Revival architecture.

从一个不起眼的家庭经营到一流的餐饮服务商, 网赌的十大网站公司现在有300多名员工, operates several exclusive venues and caters events in some of the most desirable locations in Southern California. 网赌的十大网站不仅紧跟当前的行业趋势,而且帮助创造这些趋势. 作为行业领导者, Jay’s Catering continues to set the standard by serving the best 食物 with the highest level of service.